
What Is a High Asset or High-Net-Worth Divorce?

When it comes to divorce, more money really can cause more problems. Although divorce is rarely simple, the most straightforward cases usually involve couples with little to no assets or debts. They simply do not have as much property to fight over. Meanwhile in high…

The Most Important Points When Calculating Child Support in California

Divorce and domestic partnership dissolution get more complicated when minor children are involved. You may have figured out how you’re going to handle custody between parents, but calculating child support is another issue that you and your co-parent must resolve. In California, child support is…

When Do You Need an Aggressive Family Lawyer?

If you’re looking for a lawyer to help you in a divorce case, custody proceeding, or other family matter in California, you may have heard that aggressive attorneys are best. But what makes an aggressive lawyer effective? An aggressive personality doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get…