
How to Enforce a Custody Order in California

Divorce has lasting implications for parents, for as long as their children are minors. Divorced parents in California have to follow the laws and guidelines decided in the best interests of the child either during the parent’s negotiations and divorce agreement or through a judge’s…

Custody VS Legal Guardianship: What are the Differences?

Parenting is not only a lifelong commitment and a challenging undertaking, but understanding the legal terminology that goes along with the many different ways to parent can also be a challenge. One common point of confusion is the difference between legal guardianship and custody. While…

Temporary vs Permanent Protection Orders Explained

While some states, such as Texas, define protection orders and restraining orders differently, in California the terms are used interchangeably. However, there are distinct differences between temporary and permanent protection orders in California. If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of needing protection from…